Nursing Service Related Providers Subspecialties

Adult Companion:
Is someone that cares for an elderly person with post operative assistance. Adult Companions work in numerous areas within the health industry. They are very helpful for the elderly in nursing homes as they my need some extra help as well has helping individuals recover from an accident or medical procedure at home.
Attendant Care Provider:
Attendant Care Providers are normally non-paid family members or paid workers that assist in the everyday personal or self-care tasks like bathing, dressing, transfers and grooming. As well they might help with chores, cooking and some shopping. Personal Care Providers help with maintaining independence.
Chore Provider:
A Chore Provider is an organization or individuals that help people with specific chores. For example, someone may need someone to help them put the groceries away or cut the grass. A Chore Provider can take care of specific tasks that an individual needs help with.
Day Training/Habilitation Specialist:
Day Training and Habilitation are available to provide services and support required by an individual. This is available for people with severe developmental disabilities. Through this opportunity, these individuals are able to work within the community with the help of support staff.
A Doula offers non-medical support for a woman and her partner during pregnancy, delivery and post-partum. They also offer help during such life events as abortion and death. Doulas do not have to be certified, although numerous programs are available for this.
Home Health Aide:
A Home Health Aide assists elderly patients, the chronically ill, disabled and those recovering from surgery, in their home. This work is often extremely physical and their duties vary tremendously from job to job. A Home Health Aide is not a nurse and can't perform certain health related procedures.
A homemaker is an individual that tends to the demands of a household. They are great with multi-tasking and traditionally this has been the woman's role. Duties include such things as cleaning, doing laundry, cooking meals, tending to children and there are organizations that offer these services.
Nurses Aide:
Is someone that assists nurses at a hospital or some other facility with tasks that don't require training. They are not licensed to perform certain medical duties. A Nurse's Aide is a lot less expensive than having a nurse care for someone.
Nursing Home Administrator:
They plan and direct the day-to-day running of nursing homes and numerous other long-term care facilities. They are in charge of supervising financial, personal, medical and nursing administration. Most work in nursing homes but some also are employed with large corporations.
Personal Care Attendant:
Are also known as caregiver, patient care assistant, personal care attendant, home care aide and personal support worker. They are a paid person that assists people that are disabled or extremely ill and need help with the daily activities of living. A rehabilitation health practitioner normally directs this attendant on their tasks and duties.
Religious Nonmedical Nursing Personnel:
This refers to people that are grounded in their beliefs of the RNHCI and are experienced and trained in the principles of nonmedical patient care. As well they are sufficient in the administration care in their nonmedical religious health care group. These personnel are found within numerous different types of health care facilities.
Religious Nonmedical Practitioner:
This is an individual who is both devoted to religion and familiar with non-medical health care procedures. They often treat patients with non-invasive means. These practitioners are not licensed to practice medicine.
A Technician is an individual in a field of technology who is good with the necessary skills and techniques and has a good understanding of the theories behind their skills. Most technicians specialize in a certain skill. A Medical Technician gives technical support to the medical industry.